Utah Family Photography

The Chipman Family Photographs
The Chipman Family is a big name in American Fork.  They're family has lived in American Fork FOREVER!  This is the farm.  We took these the day before Easter and everyone was there (with the exception of a missionary who I photoshopped in on  the big picture at the bottom).  There were about 50 people. This is the biggest photoshoot I've done! 

Brian and his family are just really, well cool!  Brian taught my daughter Katie in primary when she was 8 or 9.  Every week she would come home and tell me that her teacher was a cowboy.  She wanted to buy a horse and have it live in our backyard.  I had to break her heart and say no. I bought her a goldfish. I think if Brian tried out to be in a cowboy movie, he'd be a shoe in (no pun intended!).
This is John and Elaine and their family.  Their little girl Kailani is a little mini adult girl.  She says things that are far above any 7 year olds vocabulary.  She pretty much bosses
everyone around and thinks she's 20.  She's quite a character! 

So, to remember RoseMarie's kids names, you just need to remember the alphabet.  A-H.  It's so cool, I don't know why I didn't think of it.  Of course I would have only gone A-C, but anyways, it goes like this.  (I hope this is right) Alan, Brian, Calvin, Darren, Elaine, Francine, Gaylynn, Heidi It's a great system! Great family photgraph.

Wow!  All the grandkids and almost everyone looked at me... Now this is what you call a Utah County family portrait, and then some!

I posted the families that I know and Oh, do I know this family! Kristen (the mom) and I are good friends.  They decided to move away to southern Utah, so I don't see her as much.  There is never a dull moment with Kristen.  She and her husband Darren are Grandpa and Grandma now!

50 people- not the easiest job, but we did it! 

Tim & Terri's Family

Tim and Terri and their girls were pretty brave to brave out the cold day we had.  Tim had pneumonia and still came.  That's a family! The pictures turned out great, thank goodness, because I don't know if Tim would have done this again, for at least a year (you know guys!)

This is just one of many locations in Utah County that is great to shoot Family photographs.